Simultaneous reconstruction of scintillation light and ionization charge produced by 511 keV photons in liquid xenon: potential application to PET
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 2009
IEEE 2008 Abstract: "Design and Performance of a LXe Detector for a Micro-PET Detector"
- Abstract accepted for the 2008 Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS) and Medical Imaging Conference (MIC)
Proceeding IEEE 2008
Proceeding on Prototype Studies for IEEE07
- Proceeding for the poster presented at the IEEE07: Investigation of Liquid Xenon Detectors for PET: Simultaneous Reconstruction of Light and Charge Signals from 511 keV Photons".
Proceeding on Simulation Studies for IEEE07
- Proceeding for the poster presentend at the IEEE07: "Simulation of Compton Reconstruction in Liquid Xenon PET"
Summer Report: Position and Energy Reconstruction from Scintillation Light in a LXe Gamma Ray Detector for PET
- Andrew Wilsons Summer Report on using a neural network to reconstruct position and energy from scintillation light in a sector prototype for Micro PET.
Monte-Carlo Simulations Of Positron Emission Tomography Based On Liquid Xenon Detectors
- Philip Lu Thesis
Wilson Thesis 2008
Liquid Xenon Detectors for Positron Emission Tomography
Mac Thesis
Mac Poster AAMP conference 2011
A Liquid Xenon Detector for PET Applications: Simulated Performance
- SPIE 2012
Huang Thesis
LXeSim Paper 2012
Matthew Gottschalk's thesis